我,不是孤獨的美食家- 享受慢活, 就是人生。
尋味- 可以係尋找食物中嘅味道,可以係生活品味,同埋人情味。
TorTorlious is a YouTube channel that shares foodies life style and cooking experiences, based in Toronto Canada. We are passionate about gourmet food and our goal is to enjoys food for pleasure.
喜歡睇我哋嘅Youtube Channel記住訂閱,撳鐘仔, 同分享俾朋友!
Please subscribe😍:
YouTube : 尋味多多TorTorlious
IG: https://www.instagram.com/tortorlious/
FB: 尋味多多多倫多「美食生活谷」TorTorlious
主持| Host: 不孤獨的美食家(多多San)
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
August 15, 2023 | 41 | +1 | +2.5% |
July 11, 2022 | 40 | +1 | +2.6% |
June 03, 2022 | 39 | -1 | -2.5% |
December 14, 2021 | 40 | +1 | +2.6% |
November 06, 2021 | 39 | +1 | +2.7% |
September 29, 2021 | 38 | +1 | +2.8% |
August 09, 2021 | 37 | +5 | +15.7% |