Founder of The Finns&Foreigners Club, Founder/Chairperson of International Professionals Finland ry, Lawyer, Innovator, Economic Justice Advocate, Digital Creator.
I love talking about:
🇫🇮 Finland and all things Finland related (people, food, culture, way of life).
🇫🇮 Integration in Finland.
🌎 Immigration.
⚖️ Law and Society.
🗿African History and Culture.
📚Books and Writing.
Online places you will find me:
🎙Clubhouse: The Finns&Foreigners Club, and also on other Clubs.
🎥YouTube: My Finland Story
❤️Instagram: @myfinlandstory
and @that.anioma.expat
🔵Facebook page: @myfinlandstory
(I recommend you read the Article titled ”There Are Four Types Of People in Finland...).
📞Consultancy: OK Consulting
- Kolumni: Ote maahanmuuttajan päiväkirjasta. Lapin Kansa.
- Airan hoidoista hyvinvointia. Lappilainen lehti.
- Missi kaiken takana. Lappilainen lehti.
- Arktiset maahanmuuttajat järjestää ongelmanratkaisutyöpajoja naisten oikeuksista: Maahanmuuttajanaiset jäävät liian usein kotirouviksi. Lapin Kansa.
- Poriin avoimella mielellä. Satakunnan Viikko.
- Pohjoisen syrjintäkokemukset esiin. Eirasismille, Olenkanssasi, Lapin SPR. Lappilainen lehti.
- Tankkaustarinat (ruudussa). Kausi 1, Jakso 20.
✌🏽I’m here to network, listen, learn, to inspire and be inspired, and to meet new people.
You can follow my personal Instagram below if you would like to get to know me better. All queries related to the Finnsandforeignersclub should be sent as DM to the Finnsandforeignersclub’s Instagram account which is @finnsandforeignersclub . Thank you. ✨
Invited by: Iamjallure
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
November 01, 2022 | 306 | +27 | +9.7% |
August 27, 2022 | 279 | +22 | +8.6% |
July 21, 2022 | 257 | +2 | +0.8% |
June 13, 2022 | 255 | +7 | +2.9% |
May 07, 2022 | 248 | +3 | +1.3% |
March 30, 2022 | 245 | +11 | +4.8% |
January 31, 2022 | 234 | +6 | +2.7% |
December 24, 2021 | 228 | +8 | +3.7% |
November 16, 2021 | 220 | +18 | +9.0% |
October 09, 2021 | 202 | +22 | +12.3% |