Sahhil Naggpal on Clubhouse

Updated: Jul 9, 2023
Sahhil Naggpal Clubhouse
40 Following
@talkingears Username


I am Sahil Nagpal, mathematician and psychologist by heart . By the time I finished my MSc in maths from DU , I managed to sneak in to the desire to be a psychologist .
Finishing masters in psychology in 2020, since then listening to students the problem they are facing with the changing behaviour in teenage , balancing the mood swings within parents and kids.

Also I really want to help by listening to people, by knowing their difficulty and give them a logical solution which will be totally calculated and discussed within talks .

I am your personal ears which will listen to all your problems, be it proffesional or personal and mind it "I won't judge you on any thing ".

You can speak your heart out to me and we can discuss the solution to it if possible!

Sometime we all need one person who can just listen to all the things which we can't tell to any of our so called near and dear ones .

I am here to cure all your confusions , unpleasant mind and calm less thoughts.

Let's get connected and start our journey where no one judge anyone and to find real solution of a big problem.

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