Have you seen that burning Star ?
It is so alone and it is so far
Yet it shares its light with the earth
and dark night Knows its real worth
- Shashankk Pateriya
जीवन को वरदान समझ
मौत को इक मेहमान समझ
ख़ामोशी की बोली सुन
शब्दों को व्यवधान समझ
- शशांक
* Life has divinity in itself. You need to put pure attention.
* General words fail to express anything which is deeper than worldy talk whether it is love or brahman (God)
* From Naad (sound ) to Anaahat naad (Soundless sound ). ॐ
●Hindu Astrology Practitioner
कालेन समौषधम
* From Time (काल) to timeless (महाकाल - God of time )
| Hari Oum Tat Sat |
🌄 Bangalore