Summy Smart Francis on Clubhouse

Updated: Dec 31, 2023
Summy Smart Francis Clubhouse
7 Following
@summyfrancis Username


🛑✋Please Follow my main account on clubhouse first :

👉Summy Francis

Thank you 😊

About me :
I am a Social Entrepreneur.

🌳Founded the largest entrepreneurship organization in Africa (Africa’s Young Entrepreneurs)

💡Invented the World's first e-cooperative in the world (Entrepreneurs Trust Fund)

🎓First African to receive an Honourary Doctorate Degree in Entrepreneurship (TB University Brooklyn U.SA)

🇳🇬 First Special Adviser on Entrepreneurship Development In Nigeria (Ondo State Government)

📺Executive producer of Africa’s foremost entrepreneurship reality tv show (A.Y.E reality Tv show)

🏢Building the first entrepreneurship village in world (E-Village, Akure)

-Creative Director Megaminds Studio
-Chairman, SSF Investments.

My Name is Summy Smart Francis feel free to google me 🔦
instagram: @summysmart

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