你還在為找不到語伴而發愁麼?現在機會來了: HelloTalk 為你提供一對一網上在線外教🀄️英文教學!
I am an advanced student of Anthony Shang, the ex-Vice President of “Pearson”.( 全球最大的教育機構)I have a lot of patience and good at communicating with people. I have done some translation jobs and I am a short story writer. I am confident enough to help you to improve your language skills in a short time. Hope that you will enjoy your language learning journey here with me.
Link 2: https://h5.hellotalk8.com/liveclass/formalProduct?htdisableselectedword=1&&hidebar=1&hidebottombar=1&hpUserId=15214&newsource=live&target=zh&scenes=60003&role=personal&type=liveclass&teacherId=110468174