samrawit M. on Clubhouse

Updated: Aug 15, 2023
samrawit M. Clubhouse
133 Following
@sinduu Username



samri THEE weyanti🥂
gual axum x gual mekelle
gual ze tegadelay

🚨Currently there is a genocide going on in East Africa in Tigray against the Tigriyan people being conducted by the Ethiopian and Eritrean government. In the 5 months of genocide Tigriyan women have been systematically raped as a weapon of war and method of genocide, 2.3 million children are facing starvation due to food insecurity influenced by political factors such as the Ethiopian and Eritrean governments, massacres of people by the thousands have taken place all over Tigray, western Tigray being annexed by the Amhara regional government and militia, ethnic profiling has taken place in the capital city Addis Ababa, looting of cities have taken place by the Eritrean troops, collapse of healthcare systems have been the result of the looting🚨
The Tegaru Diaspora’s mission is to:
✨end the systematic oppression and genocide
✨provide resources to the victims of war, especially the tegaru rape victims
✨to bring international attention to the war crimes committed by Eritrea’s government and Ethiopia’s federal government.
learn more about this crisis on the websites below:

Additional news articles/resources:
- New York Times
- Washington Post
- Foreign Policy
- Amnesty International
- France24
- Reuters
- The Telegraph
- Independent Journalists are also credible

*personal accounts of atrocities in Tigray and Addis Ababa (capital of Ethiopia) can be found on*


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