PhD candidate in Aerospace Engineering.
Interests include reading, knowledge management, mental models, blockchain, bitcoin, technology and animals.
Bangalore 🏠
Prefer Twitter and LinkedIn for making connections.
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
August 31, 2023 | 117 | +1 | +0.9% |
November 29, 2022 | 116 | +1 | +0.9% |
August 03, 2022 | 115 | -1 | -0.9% |
June 27, 2022 | 116 | -1 | -0.9% |
May 21, 2022 | 117 | -1 | -0.9% |
April 13, 2022 | 118 | -1 | -0.9% |
February 19, 2022 | 119 | +1 | +0.9% |
November 30, 2021 | 118 | +2 | +1.8% |
October 22, 2021 | 116 | -1 | -0.9% |
September 16, 2021 | 117 | +13 | +12.5% |