Transformation Specialist | Story Teller | Actor | Entrepreneur | Career Progression Specialist |
🎙 📽 💲
Pune | Bengaluru |
WE Transform Life | Miracle Mind |
🔆 WE Transform Life and Businesses |
🔆 Specialist with Career Choice and Progression |
🔆 Bring Out The Genius Within You |
WE help motivated beings to Know How.
WE Transform Life Programs:-
©️ LEAP - 2 Days
©️ LEAPreneur - 3 Days
©️ School Education Program
©️ Master Your Destiny (MY Destiny) - 6 days Program / 6 months Journey
©️ SAC - Success Accelerated Coaching - 1 week online coaching
💎WE Help you to Fix Personal Limitations & Develop Strategic Capabilities using Neuro Linguistic Programming, Predictive Intelligence and Targeted Installations.
💠"One Life Many Destiny's"💠
Destiny comes from the word Destination. You Reach the Destination With Actions you take and the Thoughts are what Propel your Actions.
WE Help you to Rewire Your Neurology which Helps the Unconscious to take actions Automatically with innate changes.
Current Projects:
On an immersive learning journey with
Singing 🎶 | Writing ✍ |
🛠 🛗 ⚗ Creating and Developing Technology to Help Transform at the Speed to Lightning!
My Quotes:
"You're The Master Of Your Own Destiny!
Think Big! Think +ve!"
"When You Become Exceptional, Exceptions are Created for You"
"Master Your Destiny so you can then Leave Your Legacy"
"Let's make this World A Better Place as You Evolve To a Better Version of Yourself !"
Invited by: Hari Krishnan
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
January 01, 2024 | 459 | +15 | +3.4% |
July 28, 2022 | 444 | +5 | +1.2% |
June 21, 2022 | 439 | -8 | -1.8% |
February 07, 2022 | 447 | -3 | -0.7% |
November 24, 2021 | 450 | -2 | -0.5% |
October 16, 2021 | 452 | -5 | -1.1% |
September 09, 2021 | 457 | +456 | +45,600.0% |