🎮 하고픈 이야기를 게임으로 만드는 사람
🎮 Indie Game Developer in Korea
<☕️Muug(뮤그)>, <🌵자라나라 가시가시>,
<🚀살아남은 X의 행성>을 만들어
앱스토어&구글플레이스토어에 올려두었습니다!
There are <🍵Muug>, <🌵Tap Tap Cacti> that I made in the App Store and Google Play Store!
My new game <🚀Planet Of Survivor X> will be on Steam soon!!
😍관심사 Interests :
Game, Dev, Tech, Feminism,
Space, Star Trek, Sci-Fi, Future,
재테크, Learning English
Invited by: 종혁 lee
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
August 25, 2023 | 73 | +1 | +1.4% |
May 03, 2022 | 72 | +1 | +1.5% |
December 21, 2021 | 71 | +1 | +1.5% |
August 22, 2021 | 70 | +4 | +6.1% |