Prophet Ken Doxa on Clubhouse

Updated: Oct 24, 2023
Prophet Ken Doxa Clubhouse
170 Following
@prophetdoxa Username


A friend of God.
General overseer of House of Grace ministries international
Ken Doxa Shalom (Born on the 29th October) also known as Prophet Ken Doxa Shalom.
I am a Zambian Gospel minister, a Revivalist and destiny Coach

I am privileged by Elohim,to witness the Oracles of God to this end time generation

I am a Prophet and preacher with unusual unction that draws men to a place of intimacy with the father through the teaching of the word, prayer and the Prophetic Anointing.

For prayer/counselling, Prophetic guidance/ mentorship/Gifts and partnership.
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To sow seed offering 🌱🌱

✝️ Cash app ; $GloryAlex01

✅ PayPal:

✝️ Zelle : 9286406241

✅ Venmo is Glory Alex

🛑 Worldremit

Phone number +260969368620
Network: MTN mobile money transfer

City ; Mkushi

You can't meet GRACE and still remain the same

@Prophet Ken Doxa Shalom

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