Optimize business growth based on data analysis and projects & I am feminist urban backpacker | Otimizo crescimento de negócios com base em análise de dados e projetos & sou feminista urbanóide mochileira
Work at Hotmart and owner Vulgare @somosvulgare
Based in Rio, Brasil
Invited by: Daniel Faleiro
if the data has not been changed, no new rows will appear.
Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
October 28, 2023 | 138 | 0 | 0.0% |
October 29, 2022 | 138 | -1 | -0.8% |
August 25, 2022 | 139 | +1 | +0.8% |
July 19, 2022 | 138 | +1 | +0.8% |
November 14, 2021 | 137 | +1 | +0.8% |
August 25, 2021 | 136 | +3 | +2.3% |