Prakash Gyawali on Clubhouse

Updated: Aug 13, 2023
Prakash Gyawali Clubhouse
1k Following
@prakash1981 Username


"Perseverance and Consistency is the key for success"

I am Prakash Gyawali from Nepal.
Education 🎓 Background
*MSc in Disaster Risk Engineering and management.
*Bachelor in Industrial Engineering
*Diploma in Electrical Engineering

Work Experience
*12 years more experience in Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency & Disaster risk management.

Functioning Club House Moderation
**Mindset Matters**

Some philosophies of life
All I know is that I don't know anything
Reading is going toward something that is about to be, and no one yet know what it will be.
There is nothing stronger than gentleness

Tips for success and life lessons
1. Very few people actually love ❤️ you and you can count them on your finger.And hold on to them
2. Many people will love you, if you are successful.They will stop when you are not .They love success, not you. Don't take them seriously.
3. When you are not successful, few will believe your dream.You are one of them who do.Sometime, you will be the only one.
4. Despite having dreams, will and focus, sometimes your motivation will drop.Lift yourself back up to fight again.It is not easy. That is why so few make it.
5. People who comes first in class don't do the best in life, people who understand people, their field and themselves do.

Key Skill
International Certified Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Public Speaker,🇳🇵 🇳🇵
Email: [email protected]
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Last 10 Records

if the data has not been changed, no new rows will appear.

Day Followers Gain % Gain
August 13, 2023 556 +38 +7.4%
October 14, 2022 518 +120 +30.2%
July 11, 2022 398 +2 +0.6%
June 04, 2022 396 -6 -1.5%
March 20, 2022 402 +1 +0.3%
January 22, 2022 401 +15 +3.9%
December 15, 2021 386 +7 +1.9%


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