Abotaymiyyah on Clubhouse

Updated: Aug 12, 2023
Abotaymiyyah Clubhouse
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@omarassueidi Username


Ibn Taymiyyah (رحمه الله) said:

“The rafida are the donkeys of the Jews, they ride them for every fitnah”

[Minhaaj-us-Sunnah 1/20-21]

it is reported that al-ḥasan al-baṣrī (رحمه الله) said:

“do not sit with the people of desires (bidʿah — heresy), even if you think you have a response [to what they say].”

[al-harawī — dhamm al-kalām, article 765]

Ibn Qayyim

"Your nafs is just like your enemy, once it finds you serious, it obeys you. If it finds weakness from you, it will take you as a prisoner."

Bada'i Al-Fawa'id, v.3, p.1202

Imam Bukhari said: “I met more than a thousand people of knowledge from Hijaz, Mecca, Medinah, Kufah, Basra, Wasit, Baghdad, Sham, Egypt…I haven’t seen any of them dispute these matters..”

and one of these matters was: “That we do not go against Muslim Rulers”

Explaining the Fundamentals of Belief - Al Lalakki’ p.320

Shaikh Rabee Bin Haadi Al-Madkhali (may Allaah preserve him) said that some of the Salaf stated regarding a just person:  ”The just (person) is the one who when angry is not entered into falsehood by his anger. And when he is pleased, being pleased does not removed him from the truth.”

Al-Mahajjatul Baydaa Fee Himaayatis Sunnatil Gharraa’i Min Zallaati Ahlil Akh’taa Wa Zayghi Ahlil Ahwaa’ page 37′

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