peaceful, good vibes, and healthy,
VN 🇻🇳 NY 🗽 LDN 🇬🇧 SF 🇺🇸 Seoul 🇰🇷 VA 🇺🇸 Hawaii ☀️Digital 🙆♂️ & Fintech 🌝
Hanwha Financial Group VN
PINETREE Securities
- Fintech 👍
- Digital 😍
- Life solution 😊
- MZ lifestyle 🤣
- Startup Investment 🌈
- Ecosystem Building 🍔🍟🧄🍅🍓
- Digital Marketing 👩👩👧👧😊👍 🎤🎧🎬
- Healthcare 🧘🏄♀️🤽♂️🏌️♂️🏂🏀☀️🏃
- Food 🍎🍊🍑🍉🍅🥝🥑🥯🍠🧀
- Healing 🙆♂️ Mindfulness 🙏
+40 countries
🎤 Speaker and panelist
- Fintech
- Blockchain (ST)
- Digital
- Equity Markets (Korea, VN, & US)
- Start-Up Investments (ASEAN,
Korea, Japan, EU, & US)
“A strong body 💪 🏋️🚴♂️ makes the
mind strong”
Darden ‘08 (UVa)
Invited by: YJ Choi
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
December 15, 2023 | 74 | 0 | 0.0% |
June 19, 2022 | 74 | -1 | -1.4% |
October 14, 2021 | 75 | +1 | +1.4% |
September 08, 2021 | 74 | +1 | +1.4% |