Nahla Hewidy on Clubhouse

Updated: Jul 25, 2023
Nahla Hewidy Clubhouse
52 Following
@nahlahewidy Username


Your bilingual friend who identifies as bye-lingual.


Librarian πŸ“š
Specialized in YA services, both books and games. Just sush and lemme have my videogames with the library youth.

Culture Producer 🎭
Do I need to even mention more? I am trying to figure out on what it means and how it's an umbrella collecting everything under it.

Uni Student πŸ€“
Remind me to sign up for the next semester courses.

Public Speaker 🎀
A speaker who might sometimes know what they are speaking about while on the stage.

Ramadan Radio πŸ“»
Funder of Finnish Ramadan Radio where the floor is given to young Muslims to talk about whatever they wanna talk about during Ramadan.

Digital Art 🎨
Someone remind me, when I drew last time

Photographer πŸ“Έ
With a broken camera

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