Minister, Motivator, Coach
Host/Founder of "The Open Book" and "Ignite You Consulting"
ð Join our Facebook Group- "The Open Book" Book Club: We aren't your ordinary book club, but we have the opportunity the interview the actual authors! We also host community forums, artistic showcases, and much more! If you are an author and are I retested in being one of our guest authors, please send me a message. Our events are also being held virtually!
ðºSubscribe to our YouTube channel: Open Book (You are able to view a variety of videos with our guest authors.)
ð¥"Ignite You Consulting" focuses on empowering the "total teacher" through fun and innovative activities, forums, EmPOWERment Sessions, and more!
ð¥Instructional Support Specialist for educators; mentor
ðAssociate of Arts (Tarrant County College)
Bachelor of Business Management (The University of Texas at Arlington)
Master of Education (The University of Texas at Arlington)
Currently pursuing Doctoral Degree in Educational Leadership (Texas Wesleyan University)
ð¥®Owner of "Mrs. Mabry's Unique Desserts"
ðI have a heart for God and strive to serve Him with excellence and in any capacity He has set for me! I am a wife, mom, sister, niece, and friend. I always remember that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
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