NEWMOON' on Clubhouse

Updated: Nov 7, 2023
NEWMOON' Clubhouse
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@moon680 Username


As black people work towards equality. We must first end the oppression of black women in their homes, communities and the world. Black men must stop believing in the White men lies of male superiority over women. Black men cannot oppressed black women then expect equality for themselves. As long as women are oppressed in anyway equality will not possible for them.

Oppression occurs for RELIGION by creating false mythological stories of male dominance and female subordination. HISTORY starting history at male rulership and excluding the history of women rulership...stealing women's contributions to civilization crediting it men or just ignoring or demonizing women's contributions when it cannot be accredited to men.

In order for us to learn the truth we must study history during the Paleolithic and Neolithic and not start our studies during the Bronze Age when the bible was written ... most human history was over by the time the Bronze Age occurred... about 5,000 to 6000 years humans been on this planet for at least 100,000 years. So why are we just studying the tip??? Is it because this is when men started to dominate over women?

The concept of gender/Transgender was created by pedophile Dr. John Money.

Dr. John Money, a sexologist and psychologist from New Zealand who practiced at Johns Hopkins, is considered the first to coin the terms “gender identity” and “gender role,” describing the “internal experience of sexuality” and the “social expectations of male and female behavior” respectively. These concepts are prominently featured in trans activism today, and are used to bolster claims of “gender fluidity.”

This concept lead to people believing they were born with the wrong sex.

But this also led to the idea that a man can become a woman and vice versa. Once born a man or a woman one will always be a man or woman. In other words changing ones sex is not possible.

Unfortunately men who want to be women are taking a lot of rights away from women. In sports, scholarships, awards, grants etc.

As scientists promote the delusional people to believe their sex can be changed ... that they can be opposite to their birth status ... they truly believe they have became a man or woman be simply feeling like the opposite sex they are the opposite sex.

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