Featured in Forbes | +100 Corp Finance Transactions | +30 years C-Level Executive, Strategy Consultant, Coach & Mentor | Tap Here
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📈1) Entrepreneur | Investor | Author
🗞 Featured on Forbes, Börsenzeitung, Brainzz, Authoritti5.0, Wall Street Journal, etc. …
🏅Top Business Management Voice on LinkedIn
🏆 Digital Coaching for Leaders, Entrepreneurs, and Founders to find trend-based business ideas and grow and scale within an innovative and sustainable business model
📚Author of Create Future Today, The 10 Principles For Your Business Success, Chaos on Capital Markets
🎙 Creator of Entrepreneur & Leadership podcast, my guests include: Izabel Lundgren (LinkedIn Top Influencer 2021), Nadine Hack (Award-winning author of The Power of Connectedness with a foreword from Nobel Price Laureate Desmond Tuto), Petra Zink (Award-Winning Personal Branding expert)
💰 Founder of Strategy-Lab™️ & Entrepreneur & Leadership Academy to help growth-minded people to find innovative trend-based ideas and scale them within sustainable and future-proofed business models.
🎬 Creator of Entrepreneur& Success Club on Clubhouse and the Evolution Lounge (Click the first two icons at the bottom of my profile)
🎤 For Media, Podcast, Speaking, Business Enquiries
➡️ DM me on IG to receive my 10 secrets, which make businesses successfully
➡️ DM me on IG the word “CLUB” to get access to Michael's Digital Coaching “JoinMT.CLUB”
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Invited by: Ronny Boettcher
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
March 04, 2024 | 517 | +23 | +4.7% |
March 21, 2023 | 494 | -1 | -0.3% |
November 01, 2022 | 495 | +7 | +1.5% |
August 26, 2022 | 488 | -2 | -0.5% |
July 20, 2022 | 490 | +18 | +3.9% |
June 13, 2022 | 472 | +58 | +14.1% |
May 07, 2022 | 414 | +107 | +34.9% |
March 29, 2022 | 307 | +235 | +326.4% |
January 31, 2022 | 72 | +27 | +60.0% |
December 24, 2021 | 45 | +5 | +12.5% |