A free Syrian.
🏛️ Credit analyst, interested in economic policy, data analysis, politics and interfaith dialogue.
🏠 I lived in Damascus, Istanbul, Budapest, & currently,I 'm based in Netherlands.
🎓 Central European University, M.A Economic Policies in Global Markets.
Open Society Believer.
Hobbies : traveling & cooking.
The freedom of expression is my precious thing in exile.
Government is a necessary evil.
ايمانك بحريتك من بعد جهل هي بدايتك الخلاقه والجديده.
ان لم تستطع ان تمارس حريتك في محيطك فعشها في مخيلتك وتصوراتك.
انا هنا لاستمع لرأيك لانني احترمك وان لم اعرفك واتوقع ذات الامر اذ تحاورنا.
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
September 21, 2023 | 20 | 0 | 0.0% |
November 09, 2022 | 20 | +1 | +5.3% |
February 04, 2022 | 19 | +1 | +5.6% |