Hebrews 12:1
Where there’s No Respect, there’s No Love.
The Result of Disrespect:
“No one is so brave that he is not disturbed by something unexpected.”
Today or Tomorrow… not yesterday
Without work, Faith is Dead. [James]
Balance is Key
Value Your Time: Don’t Force a Thirsty Man to Drink Water…
SILENT & LISTEN is the same word spelt different.
‘A woman’s word can be last, but a man’s word must be Final.’
“Do or Do Not... There’s No Try”
“Everyone wants to go to Heaven but, are you prepared to die”
🏆🗡Army Vet 29Cdo
Think Fast | Talk Slow | Act Last
📚Current Book Recommendations:
📖 Black’s Law Dictionary
📖Queens Bench Guide
📖 Rich Dad Poor Dad
📖 Think and Grow Rich
📖 Twelve and a Half
📖 Purple Cow
📖The Alchemist
📖 As a Man Thinketh
📖 The 4 Agreements
📖 5th Agreement
📖 The Wisdom of Insecurity - Alan Watts
📖 The Power of Now
📖 S.U.M.O
📖 The Richest Man In Babylon
📖 12 rules of Life
📖 Stolen Legacy
📖 Healing love through the Tao
📖 The Kybalion
📖 Who Not How