Kyohmi Takahashi on Clubhouse

Updated: Jul 27, 2023
Kyohmi Takahashi Clubhouse
95 Following
Feb 9, 2021 Registered
@marumama-kyohmi Username



語り部。2011年3月11日に発生した東日本大震災にて、生 まれ故郷である石巻市南浜町一帯、実家、そして そこで暮らしていた両親を亡くす。震災から3日 後にたどり着いた故郷の変わり果てた姿を目の当 たりにし、無残な状態の両親を自ら発見した経験 をスピーチにし、2014年「メモリースピーチコ ンテスト」全国大会で銀賞を受賞。 2015年3月には、ニューヨークで開催された
Fellowship for JAPAN主催のTogether for 3.11にて、会場に集まった数百人の 方々の前でもスピーチを行い、各メディアから「心震わすスピーチ」と大絶賛 の評価をいただく。 2015年3月より、「命のかたりべ」として、石巻を拠点に日本全国をはじ め、2015年12月にはフィリピン・バギオなどへも出向き、「みっともなくても かっこわるくても構わない、周りに優しく、何より自分に一番優しく、今を大 事に生きていこう!」と伝えている。 また、2017年5月からは、かたりべに死生学の授業を織り交ぜた金菱清教授 (関西学院大学)とのオリジナルの「疑似喪失体験プログラム」も手掛けている。。2018年より英語でのかたりべ活動にもチャレンジ。Facebook 「命のかたりべ」にて活動報告。

Email [email protected]

Twitter @kazemarumama

🇺🇸🇬🇧Kataribe(Storyteller) - Kyohmi Takahashi 🇺🇸🇬🇧

”Where is the place you call home?”

I lost my parents who lived in Minamihama,
Ishinomaki city, my house and my hometown due
to the Great East Japan Earthquake that
happened on March 11th, 2011. I won the silver
prize at the national Memory Speech Contest in
2014 with my speech about the experience that I
confronted three days after the earthquake,
finding my parents dead and my hometown conglefely destroyed.

In March, 2015, at Together for 3.11 hosted by Fellowship for JAPAN in New York, I also presented the speech in front of hundreds of people and was praised by multiple media saying “moving speech”. Since then, as a first hand witness of a terrible event, I have kept saying “Use that experience to be a little nicer to the people around you, and most of all, to take care of yourself. Let’s live, not for tomorrow, but for the Now” to those who visit Ishinomaki city or people in Baguio, Filipino or any other places.

Also, since May, 2017, we have been delivering. the original program of the collaboration between my speech and the thanatology of professor Kiyoshi Kanebishi (Kwansai Gakuin University). In this program, we ask participants to write down the names of people or things they love on a piece of paper and to tear them off one by one. It enables them to experience the disaster in which they lost this loved ones or possessions. We are surprised by the response from the audience because some people can not tear the names on the paper, while others burst into tears.

[email protected]

Invited by: Mariko Iino

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