Prepared school psychologists in NASP and APA approved programs for 38 years until I retreated from higher ed (retired) in 2021. 19 years at National Louis University with campuses in the Chicago area and 19 years at the University of Oregon. I’ve published somewhere around 100 or so book chapters and journal articles on Curriculum-
Based Measurement (CBM) and its use in data-based decision making, problem solving, MTSS, RTI as well as a number of other topics. I’ve also edited or co-edited 5 books, 2 on CBM and 3 for NASP on a series on research-based PK-12 interventions. I’ve had the good fortune to be able to consult with-and work with-schools, school districts, and state departments of education in 45 states over the years. I’ve been awarded more than $5 million in federal research and personnel training grants by the US Department of Education and the US Department of Health and Human Welfare. I’d like to think that that’s not too bad for a kid where a high school education was considered “pretty darn good” for family members.