Carbon Based Lifeform ⚛️ / Dad 😁 / Husband 🥰 / Fartman 💨 / Electronic Musician 🎶 / Immigrant 🇺🇸
Proudly transforming the world into a better place by leveraging crazy technologies, pushing math patterns to the finest, always following strictly the dudeism rules, step by step, wave after wave... it is so cool!
I also defeated the all Nazi Superpower with milk, 2 deep hooks into the infamous int 21h and the incredible bubulubus from Mexico’s streets.
I believe the reality is just a big and wild swing party of sines and cosines where we all vibrates in an eternal large plate of feijoada, chasing type 5 Kardashev scale in small drops of delusional singularities.
Opinions not even my own.
Invited by: Leonardo Muroya
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
August 25, 2023 | 77 | +1 | +1.4% |
March 29, 2022 | 76 | +1 | +1.4% |
October 08, 2021 | 75 | +2 | +2.8% |
August 27, 2021 | 73 | +3 | +4.3% |