Director Light of Life Organization, a non-governmental organisation whose focus is rescuing, supporting and protecting young girls facing abuse, domestic violence, and retrogresive and harmful cultural practices put emphasis on promoting and advocating for their rights through education and mentorship. I work towards total transformation achieved through a step-by-step process of addressing present and past challenging and painful experiences they may have faced.
Girl child education and protection from harm.
Girls mentorship programs
Women empowerment
Boy child education and mentorship
Impacting lives and raising a Godly generation.
Transformational Leadership
I believe in one of the definitions of success as " having a positive impact on the lives of people by inspiring them to think and act in ways they may not have considered before ".
I am a Certified Professional Mediator - Mediation Africa. Specialized on children and women.
Master of Arts in Leadership - Pan Africa Christian University
Bachelor of commerce - Kabarak University
Email: [email protected]
: [email protected]