鄭立新牧師 (Lenny Cheng) 從小成長於台灣, 在高中時決志信主, 為第二代基督徒. 赴美取得電腦碩士後,於紐約金融界擔任電腦工程師多年。2007年蒙召至美南浸信會神學院進修道學碩士,2010年起擔任紐約豐收靈糧堂英文堂牧師。2020年疫情以來,開創「吹號者」推廣:「搶救下一代」、「每日靈修」、「聖經世界觀」和「在家教育」等事工。2021 年七月起離開牧會全心推展吹號者的各項事工。鄭牧師與師母育有四個成年女兒並皆在家教育(homeshooling, k-12)
Born and raised as a Christian in Taiwan, Pastor Lenny Cheng came to America and worked for many years as a computer engineer in the financial industry in New York City. In 2007, Pastor Cheng went to the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for his M. Div. degree. In 2010 Pastor Lenny became the English Ministries pastor of Harvest Church of New York which he co-founded in 2001. He started Trumpeter Ministries in 2020 to promote “Saving the Next Generation”, “Daily Devotions”, “The Biblical Worldview” and “Christian Homeschooling". Pastor Lenny and his wife, Linda, have four grown daughters whom they homeschooled from K-12.