👩👦 Momma to an amazing son 👦🏽
🌱💪🏻 Natural Nutrition Coach
🙏🏻 Domestic Violence Survivor
💃🏼 Zumba Instructor
💻 Entrepreneur
✝️ Christian-Youth Leader-Co Lead women’s/moms Bible Study
🗄 Professional Organizar
🧺 Gift Basket Business
🏀 I love playing basketball
❗️Spanish ➡️Estoy Aprendiendo 😁
🌏 Michigan
🌟1st things 1st is I am absolutely grateful for God in my life, for His Grace, Mercy & Love. I love uplifting people, iron sharpens iron ⚓️
🍃I have a natural nutrition business and love to help others feel their best 💪🏻💪🏽💪🏿
❣️Spanish is a love of mine, listening, reading, practicing etc! If you want to practice with me follow me on IG & send me a DM 😊
💓Love to Connect 👇🏼
💌Open to personal and professional connections😉⬅️
[email protected]
Invited by: Jessica Slating-Rice
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
June 01, 2022 | 161 | -1 | -0.7% |
March 17, 2022 | 162 | +3 | +1.9% |
December 12, 2021 | 159 | +6 | +4.0% |
September 27, 2021 | 153 | +2 | +1.4% |