Vadim Korunskij on Clubhouse

Updated: Oct 7, 2023
Vadim Korunskij Clubhouse
34 Following
Feb 23, 2021 Registered
@karpela Username


Я Вадим Корунский 🇩🇪🇺🇦, интернет издатель, автор проекта Рыбные места. Путеводитель.

Рыболов, путешественник, изобретатель. Мечтаю построить рыболовный город, научить людей правильно и красиво отдыхать.
Владелец известного рыболовного бренда Karpela.
Председатель благотворительного фонда «Шаг к счастью»

Ищу единомышленников, партнеров в мои проекты.

Dear Friends!

The "Steps to Happiness" Charity Foundation has been created to help restore and rebuild kindergartens, children's hospitals and schools in villages and remote towns, that have suffered greatly from war and military actions.
We have an excellent track record in building similar facilities abroad, in particular in Germany, with experience in cooperating with foreign companies participating in infrastructure restorations.
After the victory of Ukraine in this terrible war we strongly believe, that everyone who helped us and received our drawings along with the "Certificate of Kindness" will be proud of their actions. Actions that help build new, modern, high-tech and safe kindergartens, primary schools and hospitals for all children in Ukraine.
The best architects will be commissioned to create the most beautiful buildings for a renewed Ukraine. In villages without kindergartens, where children had to be taken to neighbouring villages and cities, kindergartens will be built!
This is an important project founded on people’s kindness in which good people from all over the world will take part to create these desperately needed children’s facilities.
My dear friends! I appeal to everyone who knows and remembers me to get in touch with us, to help and participate with us in these projects. I am so grateful to each of you from the bottom of my heart!
With my gratitude and respect,
Vadim Korunskij

Invited by: Irina Kehedji

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October 07, 2023 27 -1 -3.6%
December 01, 2022 28 +2 +7.7%
April 14, 2022 26 +6 +30.0%
January 08, 2022 20 +1 +5.3%
September 17, 2021 19 +2 +11.8%


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