JoyGenea Schumer on Clubhouse

Updated: Nov 16, 2023
JoyGenea Schumer Clubhouse
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@joygenea Username


Dyslexia Coach for Successful Adults • International Coach & Trainer • If These Heels Could Talk Co-Host • Speaker • Business and Marketing Coach
👋 Hi! I’m JoyGenea, an impassioned certified life coach, mental health fitness practitioner (PQ coach), & positive potential believer dedicated to helping you become the most whole and success dyslexic person you want to become.

My incredible story starts in kindergarten when I can’t seem to learn how to tie my shoes and I have the verbal skills of a ten-year-old. I am one of the lucky ones, as my teacher had an idea what I was struggling with and suggested my parents get me tested. I was diagnosed with dyslexia before 1980 and spent years in the school adapting and evolving to survive a system not created for my neurological processing. I graduated from high school and set off to figure some things out about life in a non-classroom setting.  I learn and grow and return to college in my twenties and am very successful when I attend a college designed for my brain and my way of learning. Six years after graduation I started my first company and started to build my business portfolio. I quickly learn that even out of the educational environment my dyslexia factors into all parts of my life in good and bad ways.  I study and educate myself about how I can best empower myself to know my strengths and gain support for my weaknesses. Little did I know that all of this would lead me to coach people and companies around the world to have amazing and successful lives and businesses.
🖐Got a question? I want to hear it. 💬[email protected]
✍Need to know more? Check out my profile on Linked-In
🧗‍♂️Highly Motivated
🧠Mental Health Advocate
🥳Believer in Miracles
🏍Motorcycle Driver
👍Advocate for the Underdog
🌟Positive Intelligence Coach (PQ)

Home in Minnesota, lover of the outdoors, learning and changing peoples lives.
Best way to reach me is anyway that is easiest for you: call, text, email, social platforms, and USPS mail.

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