UK🇬🇧 Birmingham Speciality: Karbashing Juhal, Incels/Femcells and Bisads. If your reformed your suspicious.
Misyar Applications Taken Via Snap.
Tribe: Hawiya-Habrgidir/Banu Tamim.
Salafiyya is the truth and the truth is with Salafiyya.
Renowned Intellectual Molester Of Murtads.
Age Above 20 Below 25.
If your Somali and leave Islam Your no longer Somali.
IQ of Murtads is below Average (facts).
The worst Muslim is better then the ‘best kaffir’.
I’m not a student of knowledge just a regular guy speaking his mind.
Islam is perfect i am not.
You either eat at the table or the menu.
Get with the program or get lost.
If I have victimised you wrongfully shout man.
“Headshot No Legshot”