⚔️Right-wing conservative⚔️
🚫Anti-Woke Movement🚫
השאם אל שאפעי
ساداتي مادام القلب ينبض 👌🔥
Sadatist, as long as the heart is beating 🔥👌
Great nations are made by great pains, and these pains are the product of great hopes.
"Anwar Sadat"
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.
"Ronald Reagan"
Wise leaders always put the good of their own people and their own country first.
"Donald Trump"
اللعبة السياسية ليست لعبة النوايا الحسنة أو المبادئ الساميه. إذ ليس من الضروري أن ينتصر صاحب المبادئ في السياسة وانما فقط الذكي الذي يعرف جيدا قواعد اللعبة السياسية؛ فالسياسة اشبه بلعبة الشطرنج يتدخل فيها عامل الاستعداد التام لأجل مواجهة الخصم وهزيمته بإتقان.
The political game is not a game of good intentions or lofty principles. It is not necessary for the one with principles to win in politics, but only the intelligent one who knows well the rules of the political game; Politics is like a game of chess in which the factor of complete readiness intervenes in order to confront the opponent and defeat him perfectly.