Hijinks on Clubhouse

Updated: Jan 26, 2024
Hijinks Clubhouse
751 Following
Mar 8, 2021 Registered
@hijinkszashes Username


Wu Wei institute
Worlds Unified Whole Earth Institute

[email protected]

Visionary of Architecture for future sustainability models specifically creative collaboration within the higher education sphere.


Devoted Visionary since the age of 22, reed college graduate with thesis on creativity. Cellist, vocalist, accomplished Visual jazz artist, stage art installation professional, poet, lover and miracle potential new renaissance believer.

For LA peeps who like modern/postmodern furniture check my close cousins beautiful business


Father of 4yo Jaxton

Venmo @Jonathan-Clark-26
Cashapp $hijinksash

Linked in: Jonathan Ash Clark

I have several large non-profit Visions and models that I’ve been developing for over 15 years and about 4 market oriented companies that have not yet touched the real market. Though protective of my ideas I appreciate the need for good ideas to be shared and developed with others and I’m excited to be here to learn and grow. I hope to establish support for a serious non-profit vision and/or one of my for-profit businesses or ideas and bring them into Reality.

Among my accomplishments
Design: Vibram 5 Finger shoes
Poetry: Untying the knot (string cheese incident collaboration With John Perry Barlow, Alex Grey and string cheese incident)
Branding: What the festival?!

Initial sponsorship partner for hardware and hourly wages for 3d macro view and macro Crew of visionary philosophers on topic of institute methodology. “A defense of poetry against the
Mathemetichians” my friend and board member of the institute Andrew Nightengale pertains to the philosophical and thus ideological basis though we do intend to walk down both roads of analytic and synthetic philosophy just as we intend to apply non-profit and for profit models to our endowment and investment structures.
Design: Burningman: temple of dreams idea, several collabs with Alex and Sacred Spaces, Abraxas (Rose Golden Dragon car with incredible Music and vibe)camp front sculpture artist.

Invited by: J-sun Burns

Last 10 Records

if the data has not been changed, no new rows will appear.

Day Followers Gain % Gain
January 26, 2024 240 +21 +9.6%
November 27, 2022 219 -1 -0.5%
September 18, 2022 220 -1 -0.5%
August 02, 2022 221 -1 -0.5%
June 26, 2022 222 -1 -0.5%
April 12, 2022 223 +2 +1.0%
January 06, 2022 221 +2 +1.0%
November 29, 2021 219 +2 +1.0%
October 21, 2021 217 +1 +0.5%
September 15, 2021 216 +6 +2.9%


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