Hardhik Chitalia on Clubhouse

Updated: Aug 26, 2023
Hardhik Chitalia Clubhouse
218 Following
@hardhikchitalia Username


Habitual offender of planning the Write strategy.

Loves writing with a dash of apna-pun,

Always looks forward to target the market, serve freshly brewed content and give unexpected SERP-rises to brands and organisations.

The Daily Tracker that keeps me going - jll.pw/tracker

I invite you to chat about the following topics over a coffee and some cookies.

1. Branding
2. Digital Marketing Hacks
3. Automation workflows
4. Social Media Marketing
5. Award Winning Ads
6. Gureilla Marketing
7. Crypto Currency
8. Digital Engagement Ideas
9 Investments
10 Creative business ideas - active and passive income.

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