Sam甜圈 on Clubhouse

Updated: Aug 18, 2023
Sam甜圈 Clubhouse
8 Following
@goleo8 Username


免责声明: 本人并不是专业的股票分析员而本专业也无涉及任何课程销售,交易建议或私人群组. 所有分享皆来自网络,财经新闻或个人经验分享.

Mindfulness Meditator
Day Trader | Swing Trader | Long Term Investor


My principles:

- A man can be destroyed but not defeated.  
- Ever tried, ever failed, no matter, try again, fail again, fail better! 
- ‼️Haste makes waste; Less is more.
- I evaluate a man's success not on how hight he climbs but on how high he bounces when he hit the bottom.
- ‼️It what you do just now that makes a difference.
- ‼️Life is like to a long journey with a heavy burden. Let your step be slow and steady, that you stumble not.
- Never let a good crisis go to waste.
- ‼️Nothing breeds success like success.
- ‼️Persevere and get it done. George Allen, Sr.

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