Gaia Elisa Rossi on Clubhouse

Updated: Jul 26, 2023
Gaia Elisa Rossi Clubhouse
90 Following
Feb 5, 2021 Registered
@gaiaelisarossi Username


Quando ero piccola, i miei genitori mi mettevano sempre in una scatola piena di pupazzi e giochi di prestigio. Mi hanno cresciuta a pane e magia. Loro erano un ballerino e un’attrice.

A 13 anni ho vinto i campionati italiani di magia e sono stata la prima donna e la persona più giovane ad averli mai vinti. Poi sono entrata nella nazionale italiana di magia e ho partecipato ai campionati europei e ai campionati del mondo in Corea.

Ora, dopo anni di studio di varie discipline artistiche, sto cercando di creare uno spettacolo che unisca insieme danza, teatro, canto, circo e magia.

Da un anno conduco Women In Magic.

A parte Instagram, se vuoi conoscermi meglio...

When I was a child, my parents always put me in a box full of puppets and magic tricks. They raised me on bread and magic. They were a dancer and an actress.

At the age of 13, I won the Italian Magic Championships and I was the first woman and the youngest person to have won them ever. Then I joined the Italian magic team and I took part in the European magic championships and the world magic championships in Korea.

Now, after years of studying various artistic disciplines, I'm trying to create a show that mixes dancing, drama, singing, circus and magic together.

I’ve been hosting Women In Magic for a year.

Apart from Instagram, if you want to get to know me better...

Invited by: Silvia Lollins

Last 10 Records

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Day Followers Gain % Gain
July 26, 2023 71 +1 +1.5%
June 24, 2022 70 +1 +1.5%
November 27, 2021 69 +1 +1.5%
September 12, 2021 68 +1 +1.5%

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