Hello, my name is Guibriel, often called GabbytheGreat” I'm 35 years old. I'm the owner and an operator of two Adult Living Facilities. I assist special needs individuals with all living needs and wants;I love my profession!!! I'm also invested in real estate. I'm very business minded, very motivated and eager to learn all aspect of business. Turned my dreams into my vision and my vision into my reality!!!
Invited by: Terrence Armand
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
February 08, 2024 | 140 | +2 | +1.5% |
March 09, 2023 | 138 | 0 | 0.0% |
January 19, 2023 | 138 | -1 | -0.8% |
September 27, 2022 | 139 | +3 | +2.3% |
May 25, 2022 | 136 | -2 | -1.5% |
April 17, 2022 | 138 | -1 | -0.8% |
March 09, 2022 | 139 | +4 | +3.0% |
October 26, 2021 | 135 | +1 | +0.8% |
September 20, 2021 | 134 | +4 | +3.1% |