King Donani on Clubhouse

Updated: Sep 16, 2023
King Donani Clubhouse
24 Following
@frenchmaster Username


Just ask me how you can speak French fluently.
My only desire, as your French master, is to help you speak and write French correctly in the shortest possible time without any stress.

🗃With my thirty years of experience as English-French teacher, I have:
coached a countless number of Anglophones who speak fluent French today;
🗃Written many books in French and English;
translated literature from English into French and vice versa.

🚩My clients are now able to hold very good conversations in French.
🚩Businessmen and women who studied my "Business French" no longer shy away from foreign meetings held in French.
🚩Tourists that I coached in French enjoyed their interactions with the people.
🚩My students can speak, read and write with effortless ease.

📍Past & Present Work Locations:

🇨🇵Institut Universitaire de St. Nazaire (France)
🇨🇮Université d'Abidjan; Département de Français (la Côte d'Ivoire)
🇬🇭University of Cape Coast; French Department (Ghana)
🇳🇬Ajue Grammar School (Nigeria)
🇬🇦Ecole Bilingue de Jésus (Gabon)
🇬🇭University of Education, Winneba; French Department (Ghana)

📘Author of "Pragmatic Tsikatology" (Critical Thinking)
📙Author of the novel "Campros" (Campus Prostitution)
📗Author of the novel "La Tragédie d'Ahuofe" (The Tragedy of Ahuofe)
📕Former Lecturer at Centre of Languages and Professional Studies (CELPS) for Francophone students (English and French)
🏛Founder of English Speaking Club (for Francophone students)
🏛Founder of "Ecole Bilingue de Jésus"; Gabon (French and English)
🏛Co-Founder of Redemption Model School (French Lecturer)

As Your French Master, I can help you:

⚡Break your basic communication problems in French (Clubhouse)
⚡Connect with other students learning French (CH)
⚡buttress your oral French by creating weekly challenges
🔥🔥 Speak Fluent French Within 3 Months (Paid Course)

Current Projects:

📚Writing Basic French (for Anglophone pupils)
📚Writing a novel "Sewaa va à l'école" (for Anglo-Francophone students)
📜Writing a comprehensive article on "Language and Culture"
📢Creating French Audio Books (for international students)
📋Translating a novel "The Narcissistic Student Lover" into French

Always looking forward to:
* translating documents from French into English and vice versa
*proof-reading articles in French for publication
*coaching students writing their theses in French

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