Friends of Moghalu on Clubhouse

Updated: Jan 9, 2024
Friends of Moghalu Clubhouse
67 Following
@fomclubhouse Username


Power is with the people. There is strength in numbers!

Why the Diaspora Matters in 2023

1. On the average, the Diaspora remits approximately $20 billion annually. Imagine if we actually contribute towards electing credible candidates/leaders that can create job opportunities for our growing population back in the homeland.

2. If we invest 0.1% of these remittances ($100M) on a candidate like Kingsley Moghalu and others who will run with him in the 2023 elections, we can compete against APCPDP in all the 774 LGAs, and have a chance at winning the elections. We need the money for poll watchers, campaign staff and volunteers, traditional and online media, logistics, town hall meetings, etc.

3. Kingsley Moghalu is one of us and understands the Diaspora and their issues. He speaks our language and carries our aspirations in his campaign against the existing political parties. We can overcome their money advantage by getting involved.

4. It is in the enlightened self interest of Nigerians in the Diaspora to ensure that their remittances count towards a more productive and functional country.

Brothers, sisters we can do this!

How you can help
1. Please donate generously at

2. Ask a fellow Diasporan to make a donation

3. Call a your relations back home about Kingsley Moghalu and be ready to vote for him and his party platform.


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