Enrico Massani on Clubhouse

Updated: Dec 10, 2023
Enrico Massani Clubhouse
139 Following
@enricomassani Username


Self-leadership | Conscious Leadership | ❤️ Heart-Centred Leadership | Authentic Self 😇🧭

😃 I coach and ignite 🔥 you to be YOU.

✔️ Time to let go 🎈 🎈of your comfort zone and be you.

🙏 I ensure coaches & healers keep their energy flow and avoid burnout by creating harmony.

✔️ I guide game-changers from overwhelm to peace and shine their light 🕯️

👉About me
💡 20 + years experience in business coaching.

❤️ Founder of the Joy of Connection. Member of Global Renaissance Society.

📚 Author of How to Find Your Coaching Niche
speak 🇮🇹 🇫🇷 🇬🇧

❤️ Meditation, mindfulness and quantum physics and 🧠neuroscience. Relation with self and others.

😇 I am a joyful individual who coaches Gamechangers to create lives that surpassed their beliefs and give them the confidence to change the world for a better place.

club 🏠 room GRS weekdays 9 am BST Bridging the old and new worlds. Creating the future Education- Economy- Relations- Ecosystems.

✨✨Want to take the FREE 30-day challenge. Please send me a PM with the word LIFE.

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