Dr.Jan Taplin on Clubhouse

Updated: Oct 17, 2023
Dr.Jan Taplin Clubhouse
847 Following
@drjantaplin Username


Hi help Elderly people remain in their homes until their passing if that is their wish.

Owner of A+ Elder Care Assistance LLC in Tucson AZ
Life Tour Guide™️

📍🇺🇸Current city:
Tucson Arizona: 5 years
MN: 50 years prior

Byron Katie
Zig Ziglar
Tony Robbins
Bruce Lipton
Dr. Joe Dispenza
Gregg Braden
Jesus Christ
Deepak Chopra
Deb Shapiro
John E. Sarno

Check out my clubs:
✳️ Sisters in Grace
✳️ Intrepid Networking
✳️ Life Tour Guide ™️

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