Dr.Adel Alkurdi on Clubhouse

Updated: Nov 9, 2023
Dr.Adel Alkurdi Clubhouse
111 Following
@dralkurdi Username


Researcher & Writer
Ph.D. lnternational Relations.
Area of interest: Constitutions, International Law, Liberties & Human Rights, World Affairs(Middle East,US,Russia,Europe), Political Theology and History.
I am a Jordanian American who strives to promote democracy, Liberties, and restore human rights in Jordan, Middle East, and build civil democracies rolled by people, for the people every where.
I live in Minneapolis Minnesota, USA.
Home is not where you born or live, but where you'll enjoy your dignity as a human, and exercise your rights and perform your duties as a good citizen...home is where your voice is counted and heard, and be part of the political decision making process, and your opinion, belief, color, sex, and race are mattered. Home is simply where no one could negotiate your freedoms or compromise your rights....I'm not a Republican nor a Democrats, but somewhere in between, and see myself as a liberal Republican, or Conservative Democrats. Pro life...strongly believe in family and society values, and respect the freedom of belief and expression, and my freedom stops when other peoples freedom's started.

باحث وكاتب متخصص في العلاقات الدولية والقانون الدستوري...


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