Debra Leah , RN on Clubhouse

Updated: Aug 3, 2023
Debra Leah , RN Clubhouse
96 Following
@deb24567 Username


<.> Registered Nurse👩‍⚕️💉
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

✨ I’ve been a nurse for 10 years now!! Can you believe it?! Time flies when you’re having fun!
✨ I specialize in ALL things COVID. And I mean ALL. Have questions about the new variants everyone is talking about?!?! Shoot me a question!

<.> Founder of COVID-19 Health Experts 🧬🦠

✨I founded this company with my bare hands, literally. We seek to educate the public on COVID-19 literature and help others who might be ill 😷 with symptom management.
✨ Visit us!!!

<.> Atl raised, LA living 🌴☀️

✨ Originally born and raised in the dirty south of Atlanta Georgia, the lovely Peach State!!! 🍑
✨ Am I a Southern Belle?? Hell yes I am!! And a Jewish Southern Belle at that. A rare Pokémon!!!
✨ Currently living in Vibrant LA, the city of angels, although I feel like there are more demons here than angels!! 😇😈
✨ Loving this current summer weather in February in LA. I’m based in WeHo and the weather here has been SO Nice!!! ☀️😎🌴☀️

<.> Jewish 🔯

✨ Born and raised a member of the Tribe, baby!
✨ Love the Jewish traditions and more importantly, the food!!! Kugel, lox, gefilte fish, matzah ball soup.. I’m all over the Jewish food game!!
✨ The pandemic has brought me back to cooking 🧑‍🍳 and I’m usually cooking up some type of Jewish traditional dish once a week!!

<.> Artist 👩‍🎨

✨ I’m an artist at heart ❤️. Art has always been a passion of mine. Whether it is creating art or analyzing it. I just am a very creative type and gravitate towards the arts.
✨ Painting 🧑‍🎨 is my forte!! I might not be very good at it though .. but I am trying and that’s what counts, right???

<.> Lover of sushi 🍣

✨ My absolute FAVORITE!!! Periodt. 😍🥰

<.> Ocean vibes 🌊

✨LOVE the beach 🏖 and that’s partly why I moved here!!
✨ Feel like I am connected to the water and that when I go there it allows me to see the bigger perspective of life.
✨ We’re all just little specks of sand in the bigger scheme of things!!

<.> Gemini sun☀️♊️, Scorpio moon🌚 ♏️

✨I am truly the biggest contradiction you will ever meet.
✨I come across as positivity all the time every day every second, but inside I breathe and seek the darkness and feel a need to get in touch with my darker side.
✨I notice I seek out people who are VERY in tune with the darkness.

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