Stephen Lawlor on Clubhouse

Updated: Jan 19, 2024
Stephen Lawlor Clubhouse
2.5k Following
Feb 21, 2021 Registered
@cryptofutures Username


🇸🇻 🏴‍☠️

Advocate 🤺 for decentralization across finance 💻 / healthcare 🩺 / education 📚 / food production 🥦

Enough with the fiat 🏦 tyranny ⚔️ being imposed upon us. The great Aldous Huxley 🧙‍♂️ wrote eloquently about the dangers of centralized systems 75 years ago; sadly it seems we have not paid heed to his wise words 🗝


“…for the immediate future is likely to resemble the immediate past, and in the immediate past rapid technological changes, taking place in a mass-producing economy and among a population predominantly propertyless, have always tended to produce economic and social confusion. To deal with confusion, power has been centralized and government control increased. It is probable that all the world’s governments will be more or less completely totalitarian even before the harnessing of atomic energy; that they will be totalitarian during and after the harnessing seems almost certain. Only a large-scale popular movement toward decentralization and self-help can arrest the present tendency toward statism. At the present there is no sign that such a movement will take place.

“Indeed, unless we choose to decentralize and to use applied science, not as the end to which human beings are to be made the means, but as the means to producing a race of free individuals, we have only two alternatives to choose from: either a number of national, militarized totalitarianism, having as their root the terror of the atomic bomb and as their consequence the destruction of civilization (or, if the warfare is limited, the perpetuation of militarism); or else one supra-national totalitarianism, called into existence by the social chaos resulting from rapid technological progress in general and the atom revolution in particular, and developing, under the need for efficiency and stability, into the welfare-tyranny of Utopia. You pays your money and you takes your choice.” – Aldous Huxley, writing ✍️ in 1946


“The masses are always wrong - wisdom is doing everything the crowd does not do. All you do is reverse the totality of their learning and you have the heaven they’re looking for.”

Charles Bukowski


“The majority is always wrong; the minority is rarely right.”

Henrik Ibsen


“I once had everything.

After uncountable lawsuits and the reach of the FED's I now have nothing.

But inside these prison bars I have never felt more free.

The things you believe you own, in reality own you.”

John McAfee, May 23, 2021 (Rest In Peace) 🥀 🌔✨

Last 10 Records

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Day Followers Gain % Gain
January 19, 2024 863 +177 +25.9%
November 25, 2022 686 +10 +1.5%
September 15, 2022 676 +7 +1.1%
August 01, 2022 669 +1 +0.2%
June 25, 2022 668 -1 -0.2%
May 19, 2022 669 +8 +1.3%
April 11, 2022 661 +28 +4.5%
February 12, 2022 633 +24 +4.0%
January 05, 2022 609 +50 +9.0%
November 28, 2021 559 +63 +12.8%


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