My pronouns are he/haw
I identify as politically non-binary
There are 7.8+ billion different people on earth; there are 7.8+ billion different perspectives. Get over yourself, it’s not all about you, and just because you see something one way doesn’t mean everyone sees it the same. We all have our different experiences that we base our actions and responses on. Be open minded.
No one’s plight is greater than anyone else’s. We’re all suffering.
My dream dinner party: Camus, Tim Dillon, Nietzsche, Twain and Jake Paul. Catered by George Donner.
Au pays des aveugles les borgnes sont rois
Logistician turned casino dealer
Sticks of PA->San Diego->Denver->Charlotte
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
May 07, 2024 | 62 | +3 | +5.1% |