CK Confessor Kanth on Clubhouse

Updated: Oct 22, 2023
CK Confessor Kanth Clubhouse
7 Following
@confessorkanth Username


Chennai Confessions Club

Rules :
1. The room will commence from 9pm till 11pm.
2. The confessor can take a maximum of 5 minutes to confess his/her view.
3. Confessors will be given chance based on First-Come-First-Serve only.
4. Daily topics will be mentioned.
5. Incase if the confessor doesn't respond when they've been called, they can have their confession at their very next chance.
6. Be polite and this is no space for judgements and hatred.
7. Odd behaviours and comments will not be tolerated at any cost.
8. This space is only for healthy discussions.
9. Topic requests from audience will be welcomed.

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