MS ➡️ NC ➡️ VA
(Somewhere reading a book)
| School Counselor | 💖💚 | AKA | Sister | Superhero | NCA&TSU | 💙💛 | Proud Aggie |
Title 1 Educator. Focused on helping children succeed and grow academically, emotionally, and socially.
I’m a DOPE school counselor!!!
B.A. Psychology
B.A. Speech Communication
M.A. School Counseling
M.A. Community Counseling
Ed.S K-12 School Leadership
Mission Statement:
I am a woman that loves God with all my heart and soul. Each day I strive to grow closer and closer to Him. Jesus is the center of my life and my best friend. He is the most consistent and constant person in my life. I want EVERYONE to know Him. Because of my relationship with Christ I have never felt joy like I do now. I desire to be filled with a passion for God and have everything else in my life flow and function through that passion. I have a purpose and calling. I want to be at the center of His will.
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