Cody Hetzel on Clubhouse

Updated: Jul 8, 2023
Cody Hetzel Clubhouse
23 Following
@codyhetzel Username


🌟 Happily Married
🌟 Childfree-by-Choice
🇺🇸 Savannah, GA

Founder of
📱 A one-of-a-kind microsocial network for childfree people.  Best of all, there is a MAP!  🌎 📍 Finally, an answer to one of the biggest questions, “Where are the childfree people?” 🕵️‍♂️ 🕵️‍♀️

Co-Founder of the Childfree Convention 🌎 🎥 💻
A FREE virtual convention! In 2021 we hosted 25 international childfree speakers covering topics ranging from “Childfree Guys Talk” to “Childfree BIPOC” (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) to “Climate Change”. 

Founder of the Facebook group Childfree F.I.R.E. (Financial Independence, Retire Early) đź’°
A great place for people to gather who have achieved FIRE, or just want to learn more about it.

Member of

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