🥂 If you're not well-versed in a particular field, relying solely on your intuition may lead to misinformed decisions or statements. It's a prudent approach to pause, reflect, and gather relevant information before expressing your thoughts on the subject. ~ Mondy
🫘 In the pursuit of absolute uniqueness, I often find myself in the company of others who share the same goal. ~ Mondy
📽“Romance in relationships is a sandcastle for two." Everyone is faced with the challenge of working together to keep romance going and to rebuild when it gets washed out, which is likely." Stephen Mitchel
About Me
📙 Marriage and Family Therapist
🥳 Divorce Support
♥️ Pleasure Instigator
🔔 Relationship Coach
🎩 Inspirational Speaker
🎤 Erotically Poetically inclined
✅ Marriage
✅ Eroticism
✅ Romance
✅ Dating
✅ Consensual Relationships
Find Me:
Weekly Podcast SEEDS OF LOVE every Monday night 8-10 EST.
Weekly Blog
🎩 For a free consultation call 302-922-1767
🎓 http://seedsoflove.life/blog
🎓 mytherapistisblack.com
🎓 Candorconsultingfirm.com
Other Businesses:
📸 Nhuko Photography
Link on Facebook: Nhuko215
on IG Nhuko_Photography
🏍 Best Ride: 2006 Norton 961 Commando