Christian Tvede on Clubhouse

Updated: Jul 10, 2023
Christian Tvede Clubhouse
229 Following
@christiantvede Username


🙏🏻 A curious, open-minded, idea rich, helpful and loving human. I try to be a decent person.

🖥 I drink a lot of coffee with talents in my capacity of People, Love and Culture at Umbraco A/S. I ❤️ my job. Wanna cup☕️?

💻 <- if you see a job you would like - I’m your go to

🎾🚴‍♂️🏋🏻 Padel, MAMIL, lifts heavy things.

🇩🇰 Odense based.

🤝 <- I’m open to connect

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 husband and dad of four.

🦋 I wear a bow tie every Friday.

🎯 How can I help you? Perhaps browse your CV and give you tips? Or open my network to you? Or support you in some way? Everyone deserves a job they love. I’m also pretty geeky so I might help with something technical on the Apple platform or similar. If I have the time - I’ll help

📱 +45 24232498

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