Lover of life and positive vibes🤗🌻
Namibian 🇳🇦
- Philanthropist
- Community Development Practitioner (CSR)
- Co-Founder of ReachOut Namibia 🇳🇦 Charity Foundation
- Toastmaster (Speaker)
- Art, Nature & Travel Enthusiast
- Personal-development enthusiast
- Aspiring youth mentor
- Aspiring Venture Philanthropist
*Facebook - Christalin 'crystal' Mushongo.
*YouTube channel - Christalin Mushongo
Invited by: Tresia Negumbo
if the data has not been changed, no new rows will appear.
Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
October 01, 2023 | 158 | +6 | +4.0% |
November 26, 2022 | 152 | +3 | +2.1% |
September 16, 2022 | 149 | -1 | -0.7% |
August 02, 2022 | 150 | +1 | +0.7% |
June 26, 2022 | 149 | -1 | -0.7% |
April 11, 2022 | 150 | +6 | +4.2% |
January 06, 2022 | 144 | +3 | +2.2% |
November 29, 2021 | 141 | +1 | +0.8% |
October 21, 2021 | 140 | +5 | +3.8% |
September 14, 2021 | 135 | +90 | +200.0% |